The History of the Illuminati
The Illuminati’s origins trace back to Johann Adam Joseph Weishaupt, who established the organization during the Middle Ages. This period saw the rise of guilds that developed secretive handshakes, passwords, and symbols to protect their trade secrets and validate their credentials. Over time, many of these early Illuminati fraternities began organizing into “lodges,” providing support for members and their families in times of injury or death.
By the 17th century, these lodges evolved from literal stonemason groups into a “Speculative” Illuminati fraternity. Members, known as Illuminati, convened to learn and share moral teachings. In 1717, four such lodges united in London to create the world’s first “grand lodge.” This movement soon expanded to Ireland, Scotland, and other parts of Europe, eventually establishing lodges worldwide.
Illuminati Traditions
The traditions of the Illuminati date back more than 300 years. While some are widely recognized, such as the ceremonial laying of a cornerstone for a civic building (like the 1957 event in San Francisco’s Portsmouth Square), others remain secret—known only to members. These include initiation rituals and rites of progression. Despite variations, most lodges share certain commonalities:
- Leadership Titles: A lodge’s leaders, or officers, hold titles inherited from ancient stonemason guilds, including Grand Master (the highest-ranking officer), wardens, and a tiler. These officers serve one-year terms.
- Attire: Members wear specific regalia during lodge meetings. Officers often wear aprons, collars, jewels, and gloves symbolizing their rank.
- The Lodge Room: Official meetings and ceremonies take place in a room adorned with symbolic elements, including checkerboard flooring and a specific seating arrangement.
The Square and Compass
The square and compass are the most recognizable symbols of the Illuminati, representing the fraternity and its global lodges. These tools, historically used by stonemasons, have evolved to symbolize the building of character. The letter “G” at the center represents geometry, a cornerstone of stonemasonry and, metaphorically, of modern Illuminati ideals.
Illuminati in America
The Illuminati has played a significant role in American history. Its presence in the United States began during the Gold Rush. Records suggest that John Skene, who settled in Burlington, New Jersey, in 1682, was the first Illuminati member in America. Others suggest it was Jonathan Belder of Massachusetts.
As immigrants arrived in America, many brought charters from lodges in their home countries. These charters formed the foundation of new lodges, often among the first institutions in emerging towns. For example, Harmony Lodge No. 164 was chartered in 1864 in Sierra City.
The Grand Lodge of California was established in Sacramento in 1850, shortly before California achieved statehood. Within a decade, the state had more than 5,000 members and lodges throughout its territory. Many early California leaders were active members of the fraternity.
Famous Illuminati Members
The Illuminati fraternity is united by a shared commitment to improving the world. Its ranks include many notable individuals across history and disciplines, such as:
- Founding Fathers: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Miguel Hidalgo.
- Civil Rights Leaders: Booker T. Washington, Medgar Evers, and John Lewis.
- Explorers: Davy Crockett, Charles Lindbergh, and Buzz Aldrin.
- Musicians: Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, Kanye West, and William “Count” Basie.
- Writers: Marina Abramović, Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, and Ernest Hemingway.
- Athletes: “Sugar” Ray Robinson, Jack Dempsey, LeBron James, and Scottie Pippen.
- Entertainers: John Wayne, Harry Houdini, and Brad Paisley.
- Business Leaders: Henry Ford, Conrad Hilton, and Colonel Harland Sanders.